A barbarically strong performance

Do you remember our comedic image film? In 2021, we felt the need to inject some humour into our rather dry industry and found the right partner in the production company Frischer Film in Hamburg.

Maik Lüdemann and his team not only succeeded in creating a talking point and putting a smile on the faces of our customers and interested parties with “The Barbarian”. Frischer Film has also won several awards with its production, such as the silver medal at the International Business Film Days and also silver with a Vega Award.

Marco Ladiges
Maik Lüdemann
Production Manager
Philipp Mundt
Rouven Kellermann
Lino Thaesler
Colour Grading
Oliver Schumacher (Deli Pictures)
Lino Thaesler & Adriana Espinal (Sounddesign)